Flutter : Introduction and Installation

Akarsh Barar
4 min readAug 22, 2019


As a android developer I have worked across many framework that can help us to make apps that can run all the platforms like Android, iOS, Windows etc, some of these framework are React Native, Ionic, Xamrin, Cordova and many more.

After using these framework I came across Flutter last year and I found it much more interesting than others. Flutter is now days one of the most used toolkit used to make android and ios apps, as one can create the android and ios app from the single app, it can develop native apps in record time. Flutter uses the C++ engine and here it gets and appreciation, Secondly it has given the feature of Hot reload which is very helpful in developing the apps in real-time.

In this section we are going to study how to install and get our system ready for the first hello-world app.

Flutter uses Dart language to build apps you can learn more about dart on https://dart.dev/

I will install according to Ubuntu Operating System so most of my code in terminals will be cording to Ubuntu so please make sure to take care of Operating system. I will also specify how to do in windows if needed at some point.

Setup: Installation

Prerequisite: Before working with flutter you must have this listed items installed in your system. They are:-

  1. git
  2. curl
  3. bash
  4. unzip

These are not mandatory but will be good if you have them installed.

Step 1. Download the Flutter SDK bundle to get the latest release from flutter site https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install according to your Operating system.

Step 2. Install the file using tar or if you are using windows you all can use git clone to install from here :

git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git

Step 3: Them add the flutter bin PATH into you global variable.

export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"

Step 4: Download Android Studio and install the Flutter plugin from the preferences(You can also go for VS Code and install the Flutter plugin and Dart plugin also). and run the project creation screen there you will find CREATE FLUTTER PROJECT.

then just follow the instruction to make flutter project.

or in VS Code you can open the terminal and type following code to do so:

flutter create myapp

cd myapp

code .

these codes will create the flutter project and open that in VS Code.

Step 5: Now set up the Emulator or use real device

Enable the developer option and USB debugging.

then connect with a USB you device and Laptop.

Just write the below code to check whether you device is ready for use or not.

flutter devices

This will show all the devices connected with the system.

At last you can check whether everything is right or not by just going through

flutter doctor

and if everything is right it will show this:

As i have no device connected so it is showing issue infront of connected device and one infront of Android toolchain.

Now we will see the file structure

This is a project that i have worked upon you can see the file structure on the side panel in the screenshot.

Then main.dart file is the starting point of our project.

In order to run the app just type :

flutter run

and this will show result like this:

Congrats you have successfully created your first Flutter App.

Hope you have enjoyed.

In this upcoming session we will learn more on programming and other stuffs.

If you want to ask any question or want to suggest any topic ping me on instagram.

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